Buyers Sellers Profesionales del sector inmobiliario Real Estate for Charity & Puedes imaginar Calling This Home?

~ Real Estate for Charity ~

We need You


Profesionales del sector inmobiliario

Are you a real estate professional? Si es así, I would like to introduce Shelter The World to you. I know you deal with buyers and sellers, bankers, loan officers, titling companies, and many other professionals in the course of serving your customers. You are one of the few people who understands just how many people are involved in making a real estate transaction happen well.

I believe your passion for helping people with their real estate transactions is both rewarding and necessary. I would hope profitable as well. sin embargo; you have a leg up on me. Lo ves, you operate in a climate of laws, regulations, and safeguards that when followed; produces a good result.

Home Buyers for Charity

Are you buying real estate properties? Maybe you don’t want to pay rent any longer, or maybe you simply want a new place to call home. Possibly you are shopping for a starter home or a retirement home.

Whatever the case, chances are good you will use a real estate agent to help with all of the details. Por qué? Because you know there is more to buying a house than simply searching for a listing on the internet or driving around the area until you find something thatlooksnice and then plunk down some cash.

No, I’d say the main reason you need a professional is because there are too many details, laws, and regulations that we just do not know about.

Having free and clear titles, knowing the easements, having the property properly inspected to determine if there are problems like insects or water damage and inspecting things like the foundation for structural integrity.

All of these things and more are essential to ensuring your investment is protected.

And it is your agent who helps you get through all of the red tape and landmines to make the process as painless as possible.

Home Sellers For Charity

Are you about to put your property or home on the market? If you are, one of the many things your agent may advise you to do is to go through all of the rooms and make them as attractive as possible.

Por qué? Because your agent knows that buyers will be looking at homes, that appear to be in the best condition for the price. They are looking for value.

Your house may not be new, but you must cover the bases to ready your home for sale. Maybe you need a fresh coat of paint in some of the rooms or finally, fix that leaky faucet. You may even find yourself trimming the bushes and preparing the yard to maximize curb appeal.

You may even hire a staging company who brings in items that areall the trendto create a warm and comfortable feel. You may also be sure to empty the trash cans, hide the laundry, make the beds, vacuum the rugs, and clean that picture window to show off the view; all BEFORE going off to work.

Why do you do all of these things? You do these things to get the best offers possible. You want your house to look impressive on the real estate listings and be impressive to potential buyers who come into your home. The idea is that the house should feel like it ismove in ready” condición.

Now take a moment and pause. Recognize I haven’t listed 1% of all that happens when buying or selling a house. Buying and selling homes is complicated in part because we have a mature and sophisticated real estate market. When you dig into the nitty gritty, you understand why an agent is so important.

What would your house buying experience be like if none of those safeguards, reglas, laws, or professional services existed?

Your experience would be fraught with landmines just waiting to gobble up your life’s savings while shady deals become the way of the land.

Just Imagine how very scary, dangerous, and high risk a real estate transaction would be if it were missing the things that protect both, the buyer, and the seller?

Imagine also, no plumbers, or painters, or window replacement specialists, mortgage processors, or loan officers.

Imagine a place where there was no trash removal company, or electrician or carpenter?

Ayudar a construir la vivienda en este basurero

Imagina, if you can, YOUR WORLD, without the bank, the brokerage firm, the title company, or even the printing company who produce all those forms you sign.


Accra slum real estate

Imagine how you would feel if after bravely navigating through all those landmines and obstacle you somehow managed to buy a house without the tools or safeguards we have at our disposal.

Suppose you just recently moved into your new home. You remember the excitement, don’t you?

Then it happens. One of the many things you worry about comes crashing into your world like a wrecking ball. Oh, él WAS a wrecking ball. Bien, maybe not a wrecking ball but certainly a bulldozer.

That my friend is the reality for MOST of the world in the twenty-first century. And you don’t need to take my word for it. Here is a 2015 video by Reuters of a slum being bulldozed.


Welcome to their world!

There is hardly a day that goes by when I’m not entrenched in trying to figure out the best way to help people in extreme poverty deal with the necessity of housing absent all the thing we take for granted.

We’re fighting to improve the lives of people living in extreme poverty on several fronts. We’ve been on the groundbuildingfor those in need, and we’re also championing this cause as loud and as far as we can to raise awareness with those who can help make a difference.

la vivienda inadecuada

So here is what I’m asking. If you are in any way involved in real estate; a real estate agent, a broker, a title company, a buyer or a seller. Or maybe you are a tradesperson: a plumber, a carpenter, a home builder, or an electrician. Ven, partner with us to improve the living conditions of as many people as we can.

Let’s join in a program where you commit to donating a portion of every house sale to Shelter The World. Let’s impact the word by making the real estate transaction a memorable experience by connecting home purchases with life changing projects para las personas que viven en la pobreza.

Hacer Albergar el Mundial su caridad oficial. Vamos a trabajar con usted para proporcionar la literatura, enlaces a nuestro sitio, y más.

No hay nada demasiado complicado sobre el proceso de; simplemente pedir a sus clientes para contribuir o si usted es un comprador o vendedor que pregunte a su agente o corredor de participar y contribuir.

Cada donación va a más vivienda combatir la pobreza mediante la capacitación de las personas cómo CONSTRUIR salir de la pobreza.


Complete the form below and lets get started. Watch your email for a message from us about the next steps.

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As you can see, this mom and child can not thrive and barely survive. Together we can change that for her and others like her.

Complete the form above and lets get started. Watch your email for a message from us about the next steps.

Albergar el Mundial Sello de Aprobación