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people in our world live in inadequate housing or no housing at all. That is about 20% of all mankind and one of the largest problems in the world.
Impacting a family for generations is no easy task.
With your help, we can do just that.
Together we will teach people how to build and assist them in constructing a sturdy house.
What is important to know is adequate housing impacts every aspect of life: improving health, advancing education, providing a place for employment, reducing crimes against women and children, strengthening faith and community, and much more.
Here’s how we are helping people build out of poverty.
Going where most others dare not venture; places like the city dump and Cite Soliel.
Serving those most in need like the extremely poor and the war-torn.
Building a life and a hope for generations to come with new skills, new trades.
Ministering to the ones whom Christ has prepared a room through hard work and a caring heart.
Empowering people through the hope of a better future for themselves and the ones they love.
As a Housing Ministry, we believe our efforts must impact people’s lives for the long term. We know that there are things that create poverty that we can’t do much about. Like disasters, war, famine, or poor governance.
However; by teaching the skills necessary to build better homes, we are helping the poor in unimaginable ways. Like protecting women and children, improving income opportunities, and advancing educations.
When we are actively serving people by teaching the skills to build, they are able to provide for their basic needs and develop self-reliance.
That is lasting change and we need you to help us do that.
This approach to fighting poverty reduces hunger, curbs child marriage, empowers women, reduces sickness, educates children and more.
Empowering people to take charge of themselves develops a new fredom and sense of well being; especially if they see their childer will be better off.
The ones who once were in need, now become positive contributors and can help to build healthy communities which helps even more people.
For us and those who join us; our hearts, money, and muscle are committed to impacting families, women, and children in poverty in ways that have a lasting impact.
We try not to think about the overwhelming size of the problem; One and one half billion people in some of the poorest countries are without adequate shelter! This is a staggering number!
However, as a nonprofit organization, we are focused on bringing a solution to poverty in the lives of PEOPLE. If that means one person or one family then we have moved in the right direction.
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. NIV Isa 58:12
If we are honest, we can’t say any of this is good. What is good is that we have great ways to help and to really make a difference in lives of people around the globe. We can chip away at extreme poverty in the developing world and give the gift of healthier lives and a path toward financial security. Whether you have an attachment or feel compelled to help Syrian Refugees, people in Latin America, Sierra Leone, The Dominican Republic, Haiti, or places in Africa, maybe it’s the earthquake relief in Nepal or providing emergency response for the Ecuadorian earthquake; one thing is for certain, there is no shortage of opportunities to provide the basic needs of mankind across the globe.
And there is more to the solutions to poverty than just the physical and intellectual. Spiritual needs must be tended to and build faith communities that have the greatest ability to end the real poverty that plagues us.
Here are some great and simple ways to help right now.
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The global housing problem, as a world issue, is getting larger all the time. Did you know a city to support 5 million people needs to be built each week ? And that is only to keep the problem from getting larger. Currently, about 1.5 billion people are living in an inadequate shelter.
So, our purpose is to teach people the skills they need to build their houses and to use those skills to generate income. Does this solve all the problems in the world today? No, but building houses does solve many problems for some families living in poverty.
I’m sure you realize that children living in poverty have little chance of changing their future for the better if the model for life is based upon “old ways.” It is said children learn best from what they see their parents doing and working to improve one’s lot in life may very well be the best way forward.
As a Housing Ministry, we rely on our extensive network into almost every country to work with pastors and missionaries to identify families in crisis whom we can teach to use home construction as a way to build out of poverty.
A better life comes when we, the ones who have, are willing to sacrifice a little to leave a lasting impact on disadvantaged families and children caught in the cycle of poverty. And nothing has a larger impact on a person than learning something new. So, together we trust that you will impact many people and change the direction for families, women, and children caught in generational poverty.
Best of all, you will have the satisfaction that comes only when you have done something for someone else, especially a stranger.
Obviously, this work requires “Lots of Helping Hands” and when you donate: your time, your money or even simply “liking us,” you are participating in the blessings we all receive when we help others.
And yes, we use the words housing ministry deliberately. We are passionate about helping those who have so little because we can see how very blessed we are to have what we have and know that just a little can go a long way. We believe our blessing is not to be squandered and desire to demonstrate our love for Christ by loving others. Won’t you join us?
Now you know, there are over 1.5 billion poor people living in slums, favelas, and on the city dump.
When you give you are providing us an opportunity to go where many will not go and teach men and women how to improve their lives and the lives of their children.
Our calling is simple…we are penetrating poverty & we are blessed to be doing so. We would like you to share in that blessing.
We are doing what we can for as many people as we can by going into places that the world has seemingly forgotten. We go to these places, the slum, the dumps, and the favelas to teach how to improve health, education, and general well-being through improved housing.
There can be no greater gift than to share with someone what we have and what we know. Especially if the person has no hope of receiving it on their own.
A house that replaces a shack transforms a family’s opportunities. They now have a place to generate an income, educate their children, and feel secure. With security comes improved health, especially for their children and safety against being exposed.