Real Estate Professionals
Our Charity needs Sponsors

We need Your Help!
We're asking real estate professionals to sponsor our non profit charity organization
Are you a real estate professional or are you involved in the purchase or sale of homes in any way? If so, we would like to introduce you to Shelter The World and ask if we can work together to change people lives.
Suzan and I are asking people involved in Real Estate to help Shelter The World for a very simple reason; the people you interact with every day (your brokers, clients, and colleagues) are all about homes. You understand that it’s more than just a house that is being bought or sold, it is indeed a HOME.
So, we are asking you to help “Shelter the World” with us by becoming a sponsor.
Why would you sponsor a charity organization like ours?
Because we want to help people like Anna and more just like her! As a matter of fact, there are over 1.5 billion people are like her – That’s about 5 times the number of people living in the United States.
If you have never seen poverty housing (I mean “real” poverty housing) then let me take you on a short but incredible journey. A journey that became one of my all-time favorites not because of where I was (which is pretty incredible too) but for a young lady named Anna. Let’s start the journey inside of Anna’s home. As a real estate professional, I know you have been in MANY homes before but I would imagine very few of you have been in a home like this.
Let’s step into Anna’s kitchen. Like all kitchens, the usual utilities are there, electric lights, a stove, countertops, running water. You get the idea. Oh, wait, these things are not here, As it turns out her kitchen is nothing more than an old tabletop and a small fire in the corner.
Can you imagine how the MLS would read on this one; maybe something like this:
A small rural charmer with a partial kitchen and dirt floor, one bedroom for the entire family, no plumbing, no electricity, no family room, no entertainment center, no bathroom, no running water.
Yet, I called this experience incredible!
Do you know why this is so incredible? Because I am actually in her house! I am in one of the most despicable places on earth (more on that in just a moment) and yet Anna did what many of us do, we invite friends into our home! She was delighted that I accepted her invitation because, as you can already guess, not too many people visit Anna and her family…or her neighbors.
Want to know why?
Because this house, Anna’s house is in the CITY DUMP of a developing country’s Capitol city with a population of over one million people.
Did you know, just $900 would be able to provide Anna and her family with a healthy home?
Let get back to the journey we were on. Here are Anna and some of her neighbors. Anna is the one wearing the black top.

Also, this is her neighborhood, and check out where the kids are playing or helping the family. All pretty heartbreaking.

Now, Just for a moment, imagine, what would you do if had to buy or sell this house. Could you? Would you?
Luckily you don’t have to. But you can still have a HUGE impact.
Will you consider joining a charity where a portion of every real estate transaction is set aside to help families living in desperate situations like these?

By sponsoring us, we can impact the world with life-changing projects for people living in poverty.
Please complete the form below and Rich or Suzan will call you to discuss what we need and how you may be able to help. Thank you.
Make Shelter The World your official charity. We will work with you to provide literature, links to our site, and more.
There is nothing too complicated about the process; simply ask your clients to contribute or if you are a buyer or seller ask your agent or broker to participate and contribute.
Every donation goes to further combat poverty housing by training people how to BUILD out of poverty.